Human Resources

Our Core Values and Principles

Our work is to manage the process... But also to have a service spectrum which gets start following the lifecycle of a project and includes contract-, tender-, specification-, and site managements according to the performed work.

We maintain the presence of our corporate values with our customers and partnerships, development, teamwork spirit, quick and accurate decision making mechanism, and interchange compliance policies.

Our Human Resources Principles Based On Our Corporate Culture:

All applications are examined in the Recruitment Process, and in the event that there is no appropriate position in the application period, the applicants are added to the candidate pool and when the related position is opened, applicant selection is done according to education, experience, graduation level, and personal competence seen during the meetings in line with the work descriptions.

For applications, open positions can be viewed via or can be sent to the e-mail address of human resources department [email protected].

Our wage policy is determined taking base of: personal competencies; education, experience, graduation level, observed performance and market state.

The objectives determined during the performance evaluation are monitored during the year, and performance level is determined by comparing the required changes, instructions, and the performed at the end of year.